

From this feedback I was able to improve my use of sound bites by fading them in with the scripted dialogue, increasing the energy of the podcast and making it less bland. This also helped improve my transitions when going from a sound bite to dialogue, fading in the soundbite underneath it made the change less abrupt and more natural.

This feedback/criticism was integral to me finishing my final edit of the podcast. I was able to pinpoint which parts of the podcast needed to be cut out in order to keep the flow going. I edited out any mistakes I had made when speaking from the script and removed any unnecessary segments that detracted from the rest of the podcast.

What I was able to gain from this piece of feedback was similar to the previous two as well, e.g. overlap your sound bites with the review and edit out any unnecessary dialogue. This encouraged the previous feedback given to me. I edited out some of Henry Foley's interview so it did not become repetitive and I kept the pace going by fixing the volume of the sound bites in-between sections.

Effects and Transitions

The image shows the editing between the recordings and soundbites, blending them together. In this image I am utilising the programme Adobe Audition CC in the post production of this podcast. It's technical abilities in editing, effects and transitions etc all help to produce a final original audio media product of a high standard and quality.

This image shows some of the sound bites of the podcast from track 2 that are separate from the rest of the recording. They are both audio files from the trailer of the product Grand Theft Auto 5 and have cut in half to be spread out between each recording, enhancing the theme of the product.

Final Edit Podcast-mp3

